Charlton Vos

NEWSLETTER 13 | TERM 2 – 2020

Good day to all parents

This week the last 4 grades also returned and the learners were just as glad as the teachers to see each other again.  We know that all our learners will quickly adapt to the “NEW NORMAL” here at Charlton Vos.  We put the safety of our learners first and did everything in our power to make sure that learners will be safe here at school.  We do expect that all learners will remain at home and not in the streets or malls during weekends. 


All learners had to bring back the questionnaire that was given to them on their first day back at school.  It is to identify the learners with severe underlying illnesses, so that we can take their temperature more than once a day and also have them sitting in front in the class where possible.  Please complete and send back ASAP so we can update our data as well.


All parents did receive a re-registration form.  Please complete it and send it back to school ASAP.  Learners can hand them in at security or at the register class.  Make sure it is completed in full and information is correct.  There must be 2 signatures on the form.  If you haven’t send back the re-registration form, please do that ASAP.  We have been getting many new applications for 2021, after parents saw what we did during lockdown to keep education going for each grade.  We have limited space available for 2021.


All classes were divided into 2 groups:  Group 1 and Group 2.  We can’t move the learners around as we are only allowed to have 20 learners in a class at any given time.  Please make sure you send your child on the right day to school.  All the days and groups were given in a previous letter for this term. 


Make sure that your school fees are up to date.  If not please make sure to bring it up to date ASAP.  If you are not sure about your account, please feel free to send a mail to so that you can bring your account up to date if you are in arrears.


The gates will open at 6h45 in the mornings.  After entering the premises learners will go straight to their register classes where the teacher will be waiting for them in the class.    

All learners using own transport in the mornings must be at school not later than 07h30.  Gates close at 07h40 as school starts exactly at 07h45.  Please make sure your child is NOT LATE FOR SCHOOL.

School will be out at 14h00 until further notice, from Monday to Thursday. 

Please take note of this important arrangement to avoid any problems:  School is out at 14h00, learners MUST BE PICKED UP NOT LATER THAT 14H15.  After 14h15 all learners will have to leave the premises and stand on the outside to wait for their transportation.  We will not take any responsibility for any learner after 14h15. 

Fridays, school will be out at 13h00.  Learners must be picked up not later than 13h15.  We will not take any responsibility for any learner after 13h15 on a Friday afternoon.

We therefore asked that you as parent make sure that you arrange with the taxi, aftercare or uber to be on time. 

NOTE:  Grade RR – Grade 3 learners using own transport in the afternoon, will be out at 13h45 (Monday to Thursday) and 12h45 on Fridays.  Parents/taxi/afterschool can pick them up any time from 13h45 to 14h00, to avoid parents bundling and not keeping social distancing

Grade 4 – 12 will be out at 14h00 (Monday – Thursday) and 13h00 on Fridays.

We have changed our plan for learners using own transport in the afternoons.  Parents can collect learners from the lawn at the waiting area.  We hope and trust that parents will adhere to the rules of social distancing and wearing a mask at all times.  It is for the safety of all learners, staff members and parents.


As you all know a social distance of 1 m – 1.5 m, must be kept at all times.  If you as a parent are waiting for your child, we suggest to wait inside your car.  Your child knows your car and they can immediately go out the gate and get into the car.  If you have to leave your car, we ask that you keep a social distance at all times in the public area before the school gate.  When parents are waiting for learners they must have a mask on at all times.  It is for your safety and the parents and learners around you as well.  We are responsible for our learners on the school premises and they are keeping social distance at all time.  This is for your own safety and also our learners and staff’s safety.


Buses are running as normal.  Make sure your child is early at the pick-up point.  Please remind your child every day that they must keep their masks on even when they are on the bus after school.  They can take it off once they are at home again.  This is very new to all learners and we need to remind them about it many times so they can stay safe. 

We are very proud of all our learners that have so quickly adapted to the new normal.  Thank you to all the parents for taking our hands and making this an easy journey for our learners.  We really appreciate it very much.

